EuroSteel 2026 / Politechnika Rzeszowska im. Ignacego Łukasiewicza


With the greatest pleasure, we invite all scientists, designers, producers, and students interested in the design of new and upkeep of existing structures made of structural steel and composite structures to participate in the 11th European Scientific Conference EUROSTEEL 2026. During the conference, special attention will be paid to modern, innovative, environmentally friendly construction solutions and the issue of reusing steel structural elements.

The conference will be the 11th in the series. The previous conferences took place in Athens (1995), Prague (1999), Coimbra (2002), Maastricht (2005), Graz (2008), Budapest (2011), Naples (2014), Copenhagen (2017), Sheffield (2021) and Amsterdam (2023).

The conference will take place in Cracow, Poland, on September 16-18, 2026. Cracow is an old town of Polish kings from the Piast and Jagiellonian dynasties. The city was mentioned for the first time in a document in 965. Between 1038 and 1596, Cracow was the formal capital of Poland. The royal castle, a pearl of the European Renaissance, is located on Wawel Hill. The first university in Poland was founded in Cracow in 1364. Later on, this university was named Jagiellonian to commemorate the founding dynasty. The world's largest Gothic altar, 11 m wide and 13 m high, sculpted in 1477-1489 in linden wood by the master Wit Stwosz (also known as Veit Stoss), can be found in Saint Mary's Basilica. Many historical monuments to the culture of Polish Jews have been preserved in the Kazimierz district.

Cracow is very well connected to the rest of Europe and the rest of the world. The International Airport in Cracow-Balice is connected to many international destinations by reputable air carriers. Cracow is also a hub of convergence for both rail and car transport. It has a vibrant hotel network offering facilities of various standards suitable for all budgets.


Two technical universities will organize the EUROSTEEL conference, the Cracow University of Technology (in Polish Politechnika Krakowska, PK) and the Rzeszów University of Technology (in Polish Politechnika Rzeszowska, PRz), with partner European Convention for Constructional Steelwork (ECCS). The patron of Cracow University of Technology, Tadeusz Kościuszko, was a famous Polish military engineer and general at the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries. In 1794, he organized an insurrection in the defense of Polish sovereignty. Earlier, in 1776-1784, he fought for the independence of the United States of America. The patron of Rzeszów University of Technology, Ignacy Łukasiewicz, was a 19th-century Polish pharmacist and industrialist, a pioneer of the global petrochemical industry, inventor of the kerosene lamp, and creator of the world's first oil mine.
Both Universities of Technology are among the leading technical universities in southern Poland. They offer education in many fields and faculties. The Faculty of Civil Engineering is the conference organizer at the Cracow University of Technology, and the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Architecture is the organizer of the Rzeszów University of Technology. Prof. Aleksander Kozłowski (Rzeszów University of Technology) heads the Conference's Scientific Committee. Prof. Mariusz Maślak (Cracow University of Technology) heads the Organizing Committee.


Cracow, Poland:

  • the second-largest and one of the oldest cities in Poland
  • situated on the Vistula River in Małopolska Province, the city dates back to the 7th century
  • the official capital of Poland until 1596
  • traditionally one of the leading centres of Polish academic, economic, cultural and artistic life
  • cited as one of Europe's most beautiful cities, its Old Town was declared the first UNESCO World Heritage Site in the world


From 16 to 18 September 2026.
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  • Summer 2025: open site for submission of abstracts
  • Autumn 2025: deadline for submission of abstracts
  • December 2025: notification of accepted abstracts
  • Spring 2026: deadline for submission of full papers
  • Summer 2026, notification of accepted full papers
  • Summer 2026: deadline for registration


Years and locations of the eleven editions:

  • 1995 - Athens
  • 1999 - Prague
  • 2002 - Coimbra
  • 2005 - Maastricht
  • 2008 - Graz
  • 2011 - Budapest
  • 2014 - Naples
  • 2017 - Copenhagen
  • 2021 - Sheffield
  • 2023 - Amsterdam
  • 2026 - Cracow


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